Creation Two: Tending the Earth, The 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Sep13 St Bart’s Yarmouth, Maine

The Season of Creation, September 1st through October 4th, is celebrated by Christians around the world as a time for renewing, repairing and restoring our relationship to God, one another, and all of creation. The Episcopal Church joins this international effort for prayer and action for climate justice and an end to environmental racism and ecological destruction. This year’s theme is Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope. In celebrating the Season, we are invited to consider anew our ecological, economic, and political ways of living.


We ran into some…interesting…issues with this week’s service, if you cannot watch it embedded above then here is the facebook link to the video:

If THAT doesnt work, a copy of the service is available on Youtube, but it omits the TedTalk.

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through the Diocese of Maine, from ONE LICENSE, License #A-730958. All rights reserved. Hymn permission used by Rite Song a one-time use reprint license for congregational use.