Reflection on Easter Morning, Easter, April 12, 2020 ( Video Service during COVID -19 )

An Easter video service, produced by St. Bart’s to encourage continuity and community in uncertain times.

Reflection on Easter Morning – April 12, 2020
By The Rev. Dr. Nina R. Pooley
St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Yarmouth, ME

Scripture Reading: John 20:1-18

We are living in a time when we, like Mary, find ourselves going to the tomb, checking on the dead, listening to hear the numbers of those who have died, we go to the tomb… every morning. We look to the tomb, to care and to cry for the dead… to honor them with our grief and compassion. Though sometimes, we, like the rest of the disciples, let our fear overwhelm us, which prevents us from venturing toward the tomb.

But today – in the light of early morning – today we venture forth (if only in our hearts), reaching out to tend and care, to grieve and honor…at least at this tomb. And we like Mary are met with the most unbelievable sight – this time the tomb is empty. Jesus is NOT here. God’s mercy and overflowing love have overwhelmed death itself. Jesus is Risen. He greets Mary in the garden, calls her by name.

Christ is Risen, he meets us near the tomb, and calls us by name as well. In a garden of love and grace – he reconciles us to God. He calls us by name, even at the tomb, even at such a time as this… to? Go and tell the others.

Do not be afraid, death holds no power. Our grief may carve deep trenches in our hearts, but from this place near the tomb, we meet the Risen Christ.

Here at the tomb, there are signs of grace and life – even now. Take a moment this Easter morning to remember the signs and wonders, to look for grace and life.

Jesus is risen and alive today within our lives and in the world, even NOW. May our tears and heartache open us for deeper love, for empathy and compassion – awaken us to new life in Christ. That we may go and tell, that we may bring hope and light to our world.

The light shines in the darkness, and darkness can never overcome it.

Alleluia! Christ is Risen,
The Lord is Risen indeed, Alleluia!